Cognitive Sales Group
Matt Buskell set up a Cognitive sales group to extend the discussion beyond this website on areas where AI can support sales. Come join...
SAP scales Social Selling and engages CXO decision-makers across all business cultures with Sales Na
Full article at
Gong shares 9 Secrets of Highly Successful Sales Conversations.
They analyzed over 1M sales call recordings with machine learning to identify what super successful salespeople do differently than their...
SalesForce Einstein
If you have not taken a look at's Einstein you should. The challenge with Einstein is going to be having enough quality...
How sales reps spend their time
Pace Productivity did some work on determining where sales reps spend their time and where they should spend their time. For the full...
AI 10 Commandments
10 AI commandments To frame the best AI project, it’s worth considering these 10 AI commandments, as accumulated by AIexperts: Don’t...
This blog is for our community of user to share ideas and insights. If you would like to participate please send an e-mail to:...